
Frequent asqued questions

Frequent asqued questions
That's the page with all questions you can think about Fashionstrass with the best answers...
If you don't find the answer, you can send us an email to or to solve your doubt quickly.



How I should make the refund and what's the time I have to make the refund?


Coupon and promotion

Coupon and promotion

How can I use the discount coupon?



How can I modify the information of my account?
How can I cancel my subscription on the newsletter?
Stock and purchase

Stock and purchase

How can I add one more item to my purchase if I have already completed the payment?
How can I buy downloadable templates?
How long should I wait for you return to take stock?




Whats the price to send one product to my country?
Which method you will use to protect the product during the delivery?
If I'm living on Islas Canarias, Ceuta or Melilla, there are any add cost on the delivery cost?
I need some different delivery, how can I request it?
Which option of delivery I have to choose?
I'm out of Spain, can I make a purchase?
How long will take the purchase?